Bereshit Ariella Heise Bereshit Ariella Heise

Why did the snake do what he did?

Shabbat shalom. In my parshah, parshat bereshit, there are many major things that happen. God creates the world; he creates life, plants, animals, and lastly humans. Also there is the matter of Adam and Eve getting sent out of Eden. Here is the story, in case you don’t know it; god made Adam and Eve on the sixth day placing them in the Garden of Eden, and then on the seventh day he rested. He told Adam and Eve that “from all the trees in the garden you may eat, but from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you may not, because it will surely bring you death.” Then came the snake, he said “even if God said do not eat from the tree...” this statement suggests that it is okay to eat from the tree, he proceeds to then trick Eve to eat the fruit and give some to Adam. God saw this and banned them from Eden. He also gave the snake a punishment for tricking them.

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Bereshit Ayla Schlosser Bereshit Ayla Schlosser

The Beginning of the World

The portion I picked is part of Bereshit, which is about the beginning of the world. This particular part tells how the serpent tricks Eve into eating the fruit of the forbidden tree by saying "Did perhaps God say: 'you shall not eat of any tree of the garden'?" The woman replies saying that they are permitted to eat from any tree except that particular one. She goes on to say that they must not eat of or touch that tree or they will die. The serpent then says "you will not surely die for God knows that on the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad."

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