We are entirely locally supported.
Your gifts matter!
Here is a link to our annual pledge letter, which gives a little more detail about how we work financially. But MCJC appreciates contributions anytime. Donations are confidential – only our Board financial subcommittee knows who gives (not even the rabbis.) We do list contributors in the Megillah, though not amounts, and we are happy to list gifts in honor or in memory of someone important to you.
We also have some specific funds which welcome contributions:
The Adele Saxe Tzedaka Fund
offers confidential financial help to people in times of need. Contact Rabbi Margaret Holub if you could use some tzedaka help. Adele Saxe was the mother of one of our founding community members and a beautiful example of giving
The Judith Meisel Education Fund
helps with programming for young people, camp scholarships and other educational opportunities. Judy Meisel was a survivor of the Shoah who devoted her life to speaking about experiences. She used to say, “The only thing I hate is hate.”
The Ella Russell Bikkur Holim Fund
funds expenses that come along with illness, like rides to medical care, special food and equipment. Ella Russell was a beloved member of our community who offered loving care to many people when they were ill or injured and who, when she herself was dying, welcomed community support with extraordinary graciousness.