We are the Mendocino Coast Jewish Community.

The Mendocino Coast Jewish Community came to life in the 1970s when a lot of young Jews came to the Coast and started making lives and families here. It’s been growing, changing and thriving ever since. From those early days MCJC has welcomed anyone interested in Jewish life to participate. We have a strong commitment to care for one another in ways both practical and spiritual and to welcome different ways of life, Jewish practice and perspectives on the world. We always hope that our efforts at kindness, inclusiveness and thoughtful decision-making will bring a bit of peace to our community and world.
Our first material acquisition was a Torah scroll, our second a dedicated cemetery space. Years later we acquired our shul building in Caspar. We study and pray together and gather for celebrations and times of sorrow and to explore challenging questions and to try to make our world better. We love conversation and singing and eating together. There is a lot of heart in what we do.
Our Home
The MCJC shul is located in Caspar, halfway between Mendocino village and Fort Bragg, on the beautiful and rugged California coast. We are about 150 miles north of the San Francisco Bay Area and separated from the closest Jewish community by a range of coastal mountains.
15071 Caspar Road,
Caspar, CA 95420

More recently, in response to the COVID pandemic, we have offered more programming on Zoom and in hybrid format. This has enabled people who are not geographically near to participate in our community life.
Meeting ID: 707 183 6183
Passcode: shalom
Numeric Passcode: 776001
Our ongoing programs
include weekly Shabbat morning services (in hybrid format,) Friday night candle-lighting and kiddush (on Zoom,) celebrations for Jewish holidays, a bikkur holim to arrange care for people when they are ill, a Mitzvah Freezer to provide food to people in times of need, a chevra kadisha to care for the dead, the Elders’ Conversation, the Jewish Women’s Retreat, the MCJC Millennials, a monthly gathering for teens, b’nai mitzvah training, a Justice group, a book group, Matanah (a sharing of skills), the Mendocino Megillah (our juicy newsletter) and classes throughout the year.