Hanukkah Festivities
Milennials’ Hanukkah Party
Saturday, December 28th (fourth candle) at Fog Bottle Shop, 6:30 PM -
Millennials’ Hanukkah Party will feature latkes, candy cap donuts, music, and more! Come light the Hanukkiah with us, shmooze with other local 20s/30s/40s, and maybe even dance!
MCJC Hanukkah Party
Sunday, December 29th (fifth candle) at the Caspar Community Center, 4:00 PM —
The much-anticipated MCJC Hanukkah Party and Second Annual Latke taste-off will take place. Menorah lighting, karaoke, raffle drawing, and latke-tasting contest. There will be music from the incomparable Klezmishpoche and dancing.
As with last year, bring latkes—as many as you’d like, from none to many. We will heat them in the CCC kitchen. If your latkes are especially good, enter a sample in the latke taste-off.
We need many volunteers to make this BIG party happen, so if you are good with potatoes, or with setting up, or with serving, or with cleaning up, please contact Joy Lancaster at ajoylancaster@gmail.com or call her at (510) 703-9955. It’s a mitzvah!
To add your musical talents to the proceedings—instrumental or vocal—OR maybe you wanna dance, please contact Jennifer Kreger soon at refinnej@mcn.org.
To donate a prize for the raffle, contact Susan Tubbesing at (707) 962-0565 or susan.tubbesing@gmail.com
Partial list of raffle prizes
A basket of Susan Hofberg’s delicious home-made jams
$25 Gift certificate from the Good Life Cafe & Bakery (4 prizes)
Ananda’s fabulous healing salve from Iris Cutler (2 prizes)
Shopping bag from Corners of the Mouth
Two admission tickets to the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens (2 prizes)
$5 Gift Certificate to the Spunky Skunk and Racine’s (4 prizes)
A beautiful scarf knit by Clare Bercot Zwerling
A divine, one-hour massage from Eva Katz
Children’s books written by Linda Glaser (2 prizes)
Two dozen “Chocolate Cookies to Die For” from Nona Smith
Prized Huckleberry Jam made by Laurel Moss’s family in her memory (6 prizes)
$36 gift certificate to Frankie’s Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor (2 prizes)
Surprise gift bags from Theresa Morales (4 prizes)
A scrumptious cream cheese pound Bundt cake from Julie Melendi
Gift certificate from Rainsong Shoes
Two dozen rugelach from Susan Tubbesing (2 prizes)
Delicious cheesecake baked by Mina Cohen
Lovely notecards designed by Rachel Lahn (2 prizes)
A copy of the book “Nest” written by Esther Ehrlich
$10 Gift Certificate to the Spunky Skunk & Racine’s (3 prizes)
Two tickets to Coast Cinemas (2 prizes)
$20 Gift Certificate to Cowlick’s Ice Cream
Homemade apple butter from Alan Foss (6 prizes)
$25 gift certificate from Corners of the Mouth
1½ pounds of fabulous Holiday Blend Thanksgiving Coffee (5 prizes)
A beautiful ceramic piece by Marnie Press
$25 gift certificate to the Cookie Company & Zappa’s Coffee in Ft. Bragg
A delicious Shabbat challah from Andrea Luna
Soft, snuggly, scarf from Fancy That
The “MCJC Cookbook”
Original Huichol art from the estate of Susan Miller (5 prizes)
$250 Gift card from Out of This World!
Raffle prizes will be drawn during the party and a list of winners will be posted on the MCJC website. You DO NOT need to be present to win.
$5 per ticket, 2 for $10, 4 for $18, 6 for $20, 12 for $36, 20 for $54, 40 for $100!!
Put your name and phone # on the back of each ticket and return them with your check. Tickets must be received by December 27th to be included in the drawing!!
If you contribute more than $36, we will fill out the extra tickets for you.