Bikkur Holim
(care for people when they are ill)
We do our best as a community to show up in times of illness, injury or other hard times. Our bikkur holim arranges food, rides, visits and other kinds of care. The bikkur holim centers the Mitzvah Freezer, where people in the community can donate homemade veggie foods or can receive food when they need it. For information contact Fran Schwartz at franbschwartz@gmail.com
Chevra Kadisha
(ritual support when there is a death)
MCJC has one of the longest-standing community chevrot kadisha in the country. Members of the chevra kadisha do tahara (ritual washing of a person who has died) and organize community members to provide shemira (sitting with a person between death and burial.) The chevra also assists mourners in other ways as needed with arranging the funeral, meal of consolation and shiva minyanim. MCJC has dedicated cemetery space in the Ocean View cemetery in Fort Bragg. For information about the chevra kadisha contact Clare Bercot Zwerling at clarebercot@icloud.com.

Children’s programs
MCJC is blessed to have a number of families with very young children. These families meet occasionally with Rabbi Paige. As the children get a bit older, and/or families with slightly older children move to our community, we look forward to offering more consistent educational programming. For now contact Rabbi Paige at rabbipaige@gmail.com if you are interested in children’s programs.
High School Jewish students group
A lively group of Mendocino High School students meets monthly with Rabbi Paige to eat pizza and discuss relevant Jewish ideologies & spiritual practices. For schedule and other info contact Rabbi Paige at rabbipaige@gmail.com.
B’nei mitzvah training and celebration
MCJC is overjoyed when young people or adults become bar/bat/b’mitzvah! We offer training in Torah reading and chanting, Torah study and service leadership. Contact Rabbi Paige at rabbipaige@gmail.com.
MCJC Millennials
“Young adults” (anyone in their 20s, 30s, or 40s) gather for celebration, holidays, and other events. Contact Aviv Kleinman at aykleinman@gmail.com or the Millennials Board at mendocoastjewishya@gmail.com
MCJC Book Group
meets monthly on Zoom to discuss all kinds of Jewish-related fiction, history, current events and other Jewish writing. Contact Fran Schwartz at franbschwartz@gmail.com.
Elders’ Conversation
People of all ages are welcomed to intimate, probing conversations about matters relating to aging. The Elders meet on Zoom every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 3:00 to 4:30 PM. Contact Rabbi Margaret at mholub@mcn.org.
Justice Group
The “Justices” are a project-based group which meets monthly to organize efforts to address pressing social issues. One ongoing project is the Citizenship Scholarships, which provides financial assistance to local immigrants studying to become citizens. Another focus is building relationships with local Indigenous people. Contact Donna Medley at dmthebeez9@gmail.com.
Jewish Women’s Retreat
begun back in 1990, the annual Jewish Women’s Retreat brings together women from MCJC and beyond for three days of study, prayer, ritual exploration, play and friendship in a beautiful retreat setting. Contact Harriet Bye at bysawyer@mcn.org.
Monthly Matanah
Matanah means “gift” – the Matanah is a gathering to share skills, have fun and get to know each other better. Offerings have included printing with wild flowers, chi gong, preparing herbal tinctures for sleep. Anyone who wishes is invited to teach something that they love to do. Contact Leslie Krongold at elkrong@yahoo.com.

We are proud to be the birthplace of the Klezmishpoche, the great and always expanding band that brings joyful dance and song to holiday gatherings and more. Our Shabbat morning services are largely sung, and we love to gather for song and chant during Elul, the omer and whenever else the occasion arises. We love to learn songs, to hear new voices, skilled voices, unskilled voices, all kinds of song. For info about the Klezmishpoche contact Wade Gray at wahday@mcn.org. For anything else song and music-related, just show up!
…And more!
Classes, one-time programs, guest speakers, films, concerts and other events happen throughout the year. To learn about these, check the webpage or (even better!) be sure you are on the MCJC announcement list (sign up below) and receive the Megillah.