We love holidays!
High Holy Days
in person at the MCJC shul and on Zoom. On Rosh Hashana we offer evening and morning services, community teachings, our famous sin buffet and tashlich. On Yom Kippur we offer Kol Nidre services, a full day on Yom Kippur and potluck community break-fasts. We also offer programming during Elul, for Selichot and often during the Ten Days.
Regular holiday observances that you can look forward to year after year
Other holidays
● many Sukkot gatherings at the shul and at people’s home sukkahs
● Simchat Torah celebration, beginning with prayers for rain and then dancing with our sefer Torah and reading the end and the beginning
● a giant Hanukkah party with latkes, menorah lighting and all kinds of fun
● Tu B’shevat seder – the mystical seder of fruits and hues of wine/juice
● Purim – always wild and surprising
● Pesach – often several seders, including one hosted by millennials and another celebrating the women of Exodus.
● Counting the Omer – with an annual omer calendar and other omer programming
● Yom Hashoah – reflecting on the legacy of the holocaust and reading names of family members of our community who perished
● Lag B’Omer – a picnic, a bonfire, games, different every year
● Leil Tikkun Shavuot – a late night of study, conversation, contemplation and midnight prayers for peace in our world;
● Tisha B’av – a solemn gathering to reflect on social violence in antiquity and today.

!חג שמח